You’ll Have That Vol. 1

Here is a bulletin from Wes Molebash. Don’t forget, Wes is coming out this way on July 8th for a Book signing. Get your copy ahead of time and be ready for the signing. “You’ll Have That Vol. 1 is in this month’s Previews, and that means it’s time to pre-order, people! To make sure you get a copy, just give the Diamond order code –

MAR06 3473

– to the guy/gal at your local comic shop and they’ll know what to do. The book is scheduled to hit store shelves on May 10, so make sure to get your orders in to insure that you’ll get your copy on the day it arrives.

Here’s the blurb printed in Previews:

‘In the first volume of the webcomic strip You’ll Have That, Andy and Katie battle noisy neighbors, have an unpleasant restaurant visit, and cope with the everyday struggles of married life. Foreword by Jef Mallett, creator of the syndicated comic strip, Frazz.’

The book collects the first half of 2005’s comic strip in 64 pages and will cost $4.95! We both know that is super rad!

So go order the book, people!”

Photo-A-Day #325 02/27/06

Downtown Corning, New York. This is the facade of the Rockwell Museum of Western Art. As I was driving to the hotel I saw this and since it was still light I ran back over after stopping at the Harding Harley Davidson Shop I found a public parking area and walked over to the museum, but it was closed, however I got this shot of the buffalo making an escape.

I saw Eight Below today. I really enjoyed the movie, it is hard to watch at times for dog lovers but it is also a triumphant movie of epic survival. I’m not the biggest Paul Walker fan but I liked him very much in this movie. This movie was inspired by the true story of Taro and Jiro, two Japanese sled dogs who survived in the arctic. The original movie about Taro and Jiro was called Nankyoku Monogatari. Taro and Jiro are national heroes in Japan. There is a monument to them and a stamp as well.

Bonus Picture from Today