Photo-A-Day #930 10/25/07

Today we went to NH to visit our friends up there. We stopped first at Rich and Gail’s. They were so excited to see Eva. We had a very nice visit with them and headed up to Sandy’s house. There we dropped off Marcia and Allison, Eva and I went to Saint A’s to see who was around.

We went to the bookstore first so I could get Eva a T-Shirt. It is a 12 month one so she won’t be wearing it for a while but that is okay. We stopped by the Dean of Student’s Office. There we spent a good amount of time talking with Linda and catching up on what was happening on campus. However Joe wasn’t around and Drew was in a meeting and we couldn’t find Fr. Mathias. We went out front and Allison took a photo of me and Eva in front of Alumni Hall.

Photo-A-Day #930b 10/25/07

Then we headed over to pick up lunch as I also picked up some comic books at Double Midnight Comics. Brett was happy to see me and meet Eva. We missed Chris and Scott too.

We then headed over to Sandy’s for lunch. Sherrie was there as well and her son Scott came over to visit and meet Eva. We had a bunch of people visit at Sandy’s including Sarah’s mom, Barbara and sister, Megan. I made sure that we got photos of everyone.

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