Bring on the Hot Wings… PAD #1126

Bring on the Hot Wings... PAD #1126

Eva has her first tooth. It is still a little small but it is there and you can see it without a magnifying glass. She’s also been a very good eater lately and is on to fruit. So she now does cereal, vegetables and now fruit. Soon she’ll get some other food items to try and give that tooth a workout.

Eva has been one busy kid lately. She’s gone on many play dates, she is going for swimming lessons with Allison and yesterday she went to the Zoo. It is a real special time at our house and we are so happy for each day. Eva’s little personality peeks out more and more, the things she enjoys and the things she doesn’t I’m glad to be able to get home early enough most days to go take her for a quick walk or play or read to her.

Lost is on tonight, gotta go make the popcorn. Reviews tomorrow!

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May Challenge 2008 #5

May Challenge 2008 #05, originally uploaded by BenSpark.

Today I took my car, placed it on a display pedestal that had 3 color LED lights. So I lit the car from below with the LED Flashlight from above and once again I had the camera in my hands but today I used my Canon Point and Shoot and the macro setting. I think I have about 50 blurry ones.