Settling Down with a Good Book

Photo-A-Day #2675

James sitting on Allison’s Barefoot Books. James has been a bit of a pest lately. I’ve learned that I have to wedge something under our door to prevent the little bugger from waking me up while I sleep during the day. Today I got home and started reading a bit of A Dance with Dragons (Book 5 of A Song of Fire and Ice i.e. Game of Thrones). I usually read a page or two and pass out hard. I was asleep and then there was a ruckus from James. He then pounced all over me and began licking me at my elbow and pouncing on my legs and back to the elbow. The next thing I know is that I’ve got itchy bumps right in the crook of my elbow. I certainly hope that I haven’t developed an allergy to the cats.

Back to School Healthy Eating with PBS Kids

Being a PBS Kids VIP (Very Involved Parent) I am often sent press releases for the cool things that PBS is doing or new shows coming up or something educational. This time I have a press release about Fantastic Organic. A new online resource for families to go to to learn about healthy eating.

For Our family we try and buy from a Farmer’s Market and we are also part of a CSA. I’ve noticed that because we have had access to such wonderful organic food we are eating much more healthy. I look forward to exploring the site to find out more. Please see more about the Fantastic Organic campaign in the Press Release below. Continue reading Back to School Healthy Eating with PBS Kids