10 Years Ago I Was in Aruba

Photo-A-Day #3874


A bunch of dads are off with their families on a pretty amazing cruise this week. One of the places that they stopped on the cruise was Aruba. It made me think about the Honeymoon that Allison and I shared in Aruba during this very week ten years ago. We had a great time on our trip. We visited a bunch of fun sights and snorkeled, kayaked and did snuba. Snuba was one of the most fun things for me and I would love to go it again, especially with the camera equipment that I have now. When we went I had two under water film cameras, the disposable kind. And on the way home the customs and TSA scanned the film repeatedly and so it all came out pretty terrible.

I must have Aruba on the brain because people I know were there and then today when I took Andrew to the Cardiologist I saw this fish in the tank which I think is a type of parrotfish. At least that is what I think it is. Andrew is perfectly fine. His heart murmur is getting smaller every year. It should be closed by next year.