Deb related post

I was informed by Mo that it is Deb’s (Tina Majorino) from Napoleon Dynamite, birthday today. Happy birthday Tina.

Here is a comic strip that Mo sent me.

Become Deb Free. This is from Spamusement, a daily online comic that takes its inspiration from spam subject lines.

And speaking of comic strips. Allison and I have both found some new online strips that we are finding very amusing. For me it is PVP drawn by Scott Kurtz. I have recently completed reading the entire run of his comic strips for the past 5 years. This comic is very, very funny on so many levels. It is a must read. The other comic strip I found while reading PVPand that is the MOWS, pronounced like cows. The mows is about 3 cats and their owners, so if you are a cat person this is a humorous comic for you, kinda like Garfield but you might actually laugh. Check these out and if you come across some online web comic that is a must read please let me know.