Holiday Angel

Photo-A-Day #1724

Allison received this beautiful angel as a gift from Bonnie and Howard this Christmas. It is a hand carved Russian angel. Isn’t it beautiful. I love the eyes and the soft colors of this angel.

A bit of a lazy day at home today. Eva’s not feeling very well so we spent the day relaxing. We watched the movie Up. I liked it, it was cute, touching and funny. It didn’t hold Eva’s attention though.

6 thoughts on “Holiday Angel”

    1. Rj’s Mama,

      Not sure where they got it but it is one of a kind hand carved. So many good artists at the craft fairs they attend.

    1. Amanda,
      The beginning of UP was very sad. The story overall was good, I had a hard time suspending disbelief for much of it but was moved by it none the less. I hope Eva feels better soon. I’ve not got something that is wiping me out.

  1. My Mother and I have been collecting new Christmas angels every holiday since my Grandmother gave us the first one the Christmas I was born. I didn’t even think of taking a photo of the one I bought this year. Would have been nice. Now I still have to finish getting all that stuff put away. Christmas is lovely but a lot of work. 🙂
    .-= Look at what Laura wrote blog ..Skipping to a Quick Conclusion =-.

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