I Hit the Same Dead Skunk Twice

I Hit the Same Dead Skunk Twice
Photo-A-Day #1643

Disclaimer: This post title does in no way reflect my thoughts and feelings on the book Trust Agents, Chris Brogan or Julien Smith. I think they are righteous dudes and their book is so great I have two copies.

I got a good night of sleep last night and got up pretty early to go back to the gym after two weeks of vacation. How can two weeks undo the work you’ve spent months doing? Well, we will see if things were totally undone tomorrow as I have a check up on my diabetes tomorrow. The doc can tell me if I’ve improved on my weight loss at all. Ted Murphy said that he was expecting me 5/6 the size I was at ASE09. I never asked him if he thought so. Although looking at some of the photos I certainly don’t feel like I’ve lost weight.

So, yesterday I was flying up Route One just past the stadium when I run over a dead skunk. This sucker must have been the size of a goat it was so big. It was unavoidable as I was boxed in and the carcass was right where I had to hit it. The smell hit me about 30 feet up the road. It was pungent, very pungent. Well, today it was pouring in the morning and I had forgotten about the skunk and I hit the damn thing again. Now the smell of skunk has become part of my car and to tell you the truth I was feeling pretty skunky today anyway.

The reason I was feeling skunky was that I am still climbing through the piles of things I need to get done and feeling like those piles keep sliding this way and that. I needed to work on a project for one of my clients using a brand new theme that I was not that familiar with. So working on it a bit on the work laptop proved useless and frustrating. I believe I tweeted: “my work laptop is killing me with slowness and general crappiness. Want to go Office Space on it.” I did get some requests from people for me to video that and post it. Not likely but I think it would be satisfying overall.

The day did end up getting better though I went to my Uncle’s after work to get my finger sized for my replacement wedding ring. Yeah it was only lost back in July and I am finally getting it replaced. My fault completely for dragging my feet in hopes that it would magically reappear on Height’s Beach. Then I had another interview regarding the new FTC rules on Sponsored content on blogs. The interview is for an article in the newspaper EL PAÍS. It is going to be in Spanish. I will have no clue what it says when it comes out.

Today I also looked into getting some new books for my Amazon Kindle. I received this Kindle at Wings and Pings from Dina Riccobono or Market Leverage. It actually didn’t work but she got me a replacement and it worked great. The reason I went looking for Kindle Accessories is that the accessories I got were for the 1st Gen Kindle (Sorry Dina I forgot to mention that) and I wanted to find a nice leather cover for the Kindle 2 so it would feel more like a book in my hands. Kindle is where it is at for me. It is one of those things that I can’t believe I didn’t purchase when it 1st came out. I am getting crazy about the lack of space in our house and how many books we have, if I could carry them all with me all the time that would be fantastic. I probably won’t replace the ones I have except for my copy of Trust Agents. I figured that the home for that book made more sense in a dynamic piece of technology than my bookshelf. I also canceled my pre-order of Crush It so that I could pre-order Crush it for the Kindle.

As for my little project I went all over the web looking for people who’d done what I was looking to do with the Thesis theme and I was able to recreate near exactly what I needed. I think the next project for me and Thesis is to finally implement the Wired Kayaker theme that I received at IZEAFest 2008 that I never had implemented on my blog because the design company was screwing over IZEA and I didn’t want to see them waste money on a blog that I hardly ever use. However I do have something cool that I received from Michael from Xshot. It is an Kayak mount that is an Xshot holder. SWEET! I’d been asking him for one and now that it is here I have to get my boat back and install it. I wonder if my friend Kim or my friend Keith would help me install it.

I haven’t forgotten my IZEAFest posts, they are coming. Work projects 1st then personal blog projects.

15 thoughts on “I Hit the Same Dead Skunk Twice”

  1. Ooops- I forgot that the Kindles took so long getting to us, they upgraded us to the Kindle 2’s and we had bought the accessories for the original Kindles. Glad you’re enjoying it anyhow 🙂

    1. Dina,
      I did and I love using it. I’ll see about getting the accessories to someone who has a 1st gen Kindle, no worries, can’t get upset with free. 🙂

      1. Funny we gave those to a few people this weekend and no one else said anything. Guess I should catch up with MommaDJane pretty quick 🙂

        Do you have any dinner w. Shamu pics?

        1. Dina,
          I will try and get those up soon. I also let Momma D Jane know about that too. By the end of the weekend Shamu pics will be up.

    1. Misty,
      It was a total surprise and I have been wanting one but hadn’t had the money to get one. Now they even came down in price which is very cool.

    1. Murray,
      Maybe you can do some sort of guest post about the importance of getting your name out there and you can incorporate the photos that you took on Sunday. That is if you’d like to do that.

    1. John,

      I agree, Murray did some fantastic branding for me at SeaWorld. I wish I had been able to make more shirts to give to more people. Maybe get an army of BenSpark t-shirt wearers. LOL

  2. We all feel skunky sometimes. Anyway, I hope that you get all your tasks done. Your posts are really great. Thanks for sharing them to us.

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