In Exile… May Challenge


I used to have a motorcycle. I loved it but didn’t get much use out of it and so ended up selling it. There were some other reasons like ti was too small and was a nightmare to ride on the highway and whatnot. But as I see the impending $10.00 a gallon (it is coming within 2 years believe me) for gas I often look wistfully at the Motorcycles of Manchester South shop as I drive by on my commute home. These are my motorcycle boots that I got in Texas years ago and used to use when I rode my motorcycle. They are coming out of exile for a few days for the May Challenge, and maybe longer if I get more depressed about the fuel situation.

4 thoughts on “In Exile… May Challenge”

  1. I assume your thinking about getting a motorcycle to save on gas? That’d be a good idea. I love motorcycles, always have, but never have I driven one. I hope the new president whoever it will be, will find some solution to the gas prices. It’s really draining our pockets here, and all over the nation. Going to stop my rant here, before I get carried away. 🙂

    Chica’s last blog post..I’ve reached my limit with Flickr

  2. Chica, Yeah, I am thinking of saving on gas, but that will only be for the summer and early fall months. But at the same time I have a commute that can be a bit heavy and I’m sort of worried about the other idiots on the road (I live in Mass and they re referred to as massholes for a reason.) That and I miss the feel of riding a motorcycle.

    I tried to go buy a marble this weekend and couldn’t find one at Target or Wal-Mart. I was probably looking in the wrong sections.

  3. Oh yeah they are Massholes, went there once for a week, and am surprised there wasn’t a wreck several times.

    I never found marbles locally. I found all mine online. My MIL though found some at the dollar store. They are not around much anymore. I’m looking for a kaleidescope still, haven’t found one of those either.

    Chica’s last blog post..I’ve reached my limit with Flickr

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