Thorns… PAD #1070

Thorns... PAD #1070

We took Eva for a walk after work. It was still light out and I love working at home and getting done at 3:30, it leaves plenty of family time. In addition to the health benefits a walk provides us with it also gives me a chance to get some shots in natural light. I saw these thorn bushes which will eventually flower into some beautiful roses. But today the Thorns are what ‘stuck out’ at me (ack! puns). And when I cropped the photo originally I was further out, then I made the image original size and saw something else in the photo and wanted to crop it differently. The second crop became today’s photo and the 1st crop is below.

Thorns Crop #2?

And what day would be complete without a photo of Eva. She had a nice day outside today with two walks.

Day of walks

South by Southwest was this week. I didn’t go. I really wanted to go and thought about trying for the Shoeperstar thing but it would have cut into vacation and that was more important. If I had gone I might have gotten a cameo in this video though.

Travis from PayPerPost/Izea/RockStartup made this video and it is pretty fun. There is already a fun beatbox video that was done featuring the staff of IZEA. That looks like this.

So now I really want a Postie Beatbox, maybe from the footage from Postiecon and some of the Postie visits.

On Read to Me, Dad I posted a new review. This time of Jimmy Buffett and Savannah Jane Buffett’s book, The Jolly Mon.

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