Crusted and Rusted… PAD #1118

Crusted and Rusted... PAD #1118

We come to the close of April and that means the end to the April Challenge. This was an interesting one and I think Allison is going to be pretty happy that I am not taking photos of depressing broken down things anymore. Today’s photo is of a building that I drive by daily. This used to be a market a town over from us. I went there once in a while as a kid to buy candy with my cousins. It was called Falk’s Market. And now the place is in complete disrepair. It is up for sale and would be a nice place to put something into so as to help revitalize the small downtown of Plainville. I originally wanted to photograph the name on the building but wasn’t as happy with the photo. Here it is so you can decide.

Falk's Market

Today I came home to a Postie Pack. IZEA has been sending these out for different holidays and this time around it was my turn. I received a mini Piñata, a cactus finger puppet, a cactus shot glass, a cactus pen, a maraca, some jelly beans, some beads, some hot candies and a card. I tried making a video (see post below) with Eva before dinner and I guess the sound didn’t take. Sorry about that. But I really appreciate being chosen. Cinco de Mayo is my favorite holiday too! I’ll have to do a Mexican yell and a shot on Monday.

The May Challenge starts tomorrow. You up for it?

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10 thoughts on “Crusted and Rusted… PAD #1118”

  1. Whoo hoo! that’s cool about the package! I’ve never celebrated that holiday myself, weird, but just haven’t lol.

    I could hear your video in the post below, even though it was like realllllly quiet, it was there.

    Chica’s last blog post..Fishing with their Uncle

  2. Ciara,
    I have sound with all my photo-a-day posts. Glad you like the images. I do sort of like the second one because of how faint it is and since the theme was entropy, well it fits.

  3. Chica,
    There is some sound but it was extremely low. You’ve never gone out for mexican on Cinco De Mayo and gotten loaded on Margaritas. Oh it is fun.

  4. That sounds very interesting. I bet you get some amazing photos Laura. Can’t wait to see them.

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