Photo-A-Day #724 04/02/07

Link through the Years

It was back to the office for me this morning. The rain was pouring down and it was dreary. I am not thrilled about driving in that sort of weather. The bad weather seems to have put everyone in a sour mood too. And it has also made some bad drivers head out to the roads. I was stuck in 45 minutes of traffic on my way to the gym. Needless to say I didn’t make it to the gym but rather did some food shopping and headed home to do some Wii training.

For Wii training I created a new character called Rothgar (I must still be thinking about what I though about the the sculpture’s name). I took Rothgar out into the ring and pounded opponents through 15 rounds of Boxing and made him a Pro in a quick 30 minute session. I looked at my two Mii characters that were created, the one I created on my own Wii and the one I created at Derek and Michelle’s. I look at both of them and think. There is Fat Drew and slightly less Fat Drew. They both look like me very much but I think the one that I made looks better.

Tonight I also got my first issue of Nintendo Power Magazine since 1988. I pulled out a copy of Nintendo Fun Club News (the precursor to Nintendo Power Magazine, yep I’m that Old School) and compared what Link looks like now with what he looked like back in 1988. Some major changes but he still likes the green outfit.

I also signed up for PostieCon today. So I have quite a few things coming up in the next couple of months. with BotCon and PostieCon. I’m very excited about both of them.

In case you missed some of my posts that I put up on my other sites I signed up for Sci-Edge, the social networking site for Science Fiction and Science related topics. I also reviewed a an ebook called Heart of Mars. Oh and I found the tv spots for the Transformers movie and a trailer for John Cusack’s upcoming movie Martian Child.