Photo-A-Day #860 08/16/07


Today’s Photo-A-Day is an update on the Sunflower I took a photo of recently. It is starting to bloom. Here is another shot of it.

Photo-A-Day #860b 08/16/07

Today was a busy one of assembling things once I got home. I went to a family friend’s house to put together the desk that I used to have. Their son is going to use it now. So that is assembled. It took me about an hour to do, it was a big desk.

Then I got home and I assembled the baby’s crib. Here’s a few photos from the assembly.

Starting to Build the Crib Got the Sides On, can I nap?
Look 4 sides, hey isn't it up side down? Slats for mattress complete.
Done. Okay, really done now

Now for the Contest Update: There has been a flutter of activity today, the top spot is still with Lisa but Mo is about one post away from getting back in the running. We also got some more great posts about the contest and one about my Super Bowl Commercial Dreams. Christine wrote about the Super Bowl Commercial and got herself 100 points. AvCr8tuer wrote about the contest and got himself 50 points. Don’t forget to pay them and everyone else a visit and get 5 points for your comments. Even though this is a contest it is nice to introduce yourself around to the competition.

15 thoughts on “Photo-A-Day #860 08/16/07”

  1. How I hate to put together stuff. I saw your flickr set on this and that little plastic thingy? See? Still trouble!!

    But that is why men were invented: to put stuff together.

    Love that top sunflower photo. Nicely framed.

  2. I think I’m missing something, “little plastic thingy?” What little plastic thingy? I don’t understand.

    I really do like assembling things, it is fun. Unfortunately I don’t always have the time to take my time, somethings just need to get done.

  3. That is my secret, I know that by reading directions I have to give up a “Man Card” but that is the best way to do anything. I always read the directions cover to cover before starting a project, no surprises that way and things go smoothly.

  4. I love your whole photo a day thing, so I added you to my sidebar. I wish I was disciplined enough to do a photo a day. I know, wishing won’t make it so!

    Good for you – reading the directions. I think so many problems could be avoided if people would only read.

  5. Thanks for another great sunflower shot!! I like ’em a lot!! This one especially…it’s kind of like it’s giving the “peace” sign!! AWESOME!!

  6. Thanks Anna. I have added you to my list of Photo-A-day Hosts. Thanks for hosting. And yes reading the directions is the only way to go.

  7. Mo, You always see something in my photos that I never catch till you point it out. I love that. You provide great insight to my photos.

  8. I’m glad I’ve stumbled across your site you’ve got some great photos and a fantastic eye. As an amateur photographer who lives in the mountains it’s a real inspiration to get out and start taking more photos.

  9. You and Mike are among a dying species…Men Who Read The Directions! 🙂

    Love the sunflower…can’t wait to see it bloom completely!

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