Reimaginator Arrives!!!

Reimaginator Arrives
Photo-A-Day #1800

The sounds of the 80’s re-imagined have arrived on my doorstep. Ever since I listened to Mike Schmidt’s 40 Year Old Boy podcast. He went on for 30 minutes about the band. So then I went and found out all I could about the band and the idea for the Because Pop Rocks Contest popped right into my head. I’d buy the CD for myself and give one away too. That is how much I was excited about this band. And now I have the CD’s. Unfortunately the band didn’t sign them.

The next episode of The 40 Year Old Boy started with Mike talking about a blog and the Rock Sugar Band. I thought that he might have been talking about my blog and my contest but no. He was talking about PollStar and how the band got signed to a major label. Fantastic for them! Well, I’m doubly happy that I got the CD now and also the one for the contest.

Today we had a nice day at home because it was gross and rainy outside. I read to Eva from the Disney Princess Treasury Book. We’ve now read all of Snow White, Cinderella and The Little Mermaid. Eva considers herself Ariel and has dubbed me both Jasmine and Cinderella. We introduced Eva to Lady and the Tramp too. I haven’t seen that movie since I was a kid and saw it playing in a theater or on the wide world of Disney, or both.

Tonight I took Eva to our church for a Chicken Pot Pie night. We went with my parents and Allison had a couple of house parties to go to. It was fun and we enjoyed Willow Tree Chicken pot pies. I also won a bottle of wine and Eva got some bubbles and playdoh. She played with some of her friends and had a great time. She really loved the green cupcake for dessert though. When we got home I finished reading Cinderella to her. I cannot believe that she has listened to me read three large stories. I love reading them to her.

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