Some Serious Eats Cookie Stuffed Cookies

cookie stuffed cookie
Photo-A-Day #2239

A double does of picnics today. Eva and I had one for lunch and then Allison, Eva and I had one for dinner. After swimming and gymnastics Allison went to work so it was Eva and I for the rest of the day. I had bought ingredients for cookies and intended to make them yesterday but it was too nice to stay in. Today was nice but we were home all day and I decided to make the cookies with Eva.

The cookies are from a recipe from Serious Eats. I was searching for Double Stuff Nutter Butters when I came across this recipe. I figured I would try some thing out and when I do things like that they don’t always end well. I go overboard and I certainly did so this time. Eva helped me measure the ingredients and put it into the mixing bowl. Then I scooped the mixture into mini muffin tins. Eva topped it with heads or tails Oreos. Here’s where I did things wrong. I didn’t bake them long enough. I also put a second tin filled with cookie mixture on top. Was trying to make a crazy cookie sandwich but it didn’t work. I ended up separating the tins and baking them again. I was able to salvage some but for the most part they are good for lining the bottom of ice cream bowls.

2 thoughts on “Some Serious Eats Cookie Stuffed Cookies”

  1. Hello, dude…Learn from the mistake and keep trying! I am a food lover but never know how to cook. LOL. Gratefully my wife is a great chief. Cheers.

    1. Andrew, I’ll certainly learn from the mistake and try something different, this won’t be the last of Cookies within cookies for sure.

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