Sometimes you just need help…

With the baby on the way (in October, Allison is not in labor or anything.) We are looking for the best ways possible to have enough money coming in to make sure that Allison can stay home with the baby. So we are looking at consolidating some financial options so that we can pay on more things at one time with less money. Balancing the books as it were for us needs to get a bit easier.

And we are not the only ones who are looking for ways to balance our books better. Companies can use financial consolidation software to balance their own books which is much much harder than two adults and a soon to be born child.

I’m now taking a look at those consolidation checks that come in the mail at various times each month. Now instead of just shredding them I’m looking at APR and options for repayment for when we consolidate our stuff. The adventure with a new financial situation is soon to begin.