TV Squad & God Inc Episode 3

I think that is going to become one of my new favorite blogs. It has a finger on the pulse of what is happening on TV. I discovered this site through Pop Candy because it has a listing of when all of the shows are coming back from hiatus or break or whatever sports event was happening to stop regular TV from happening. TV Squad has all the latest TV news. Who is feuding with whom. They had a story about the supposed break between Piven and Cusack. If that is true that really is disappointing. I had read long ago that they were friends growing up in the same stage acting club run by the Pivens. It is sad, if this is true. I hope they can mend the fences and still be friends. A long friendship like that is important. (And no I will not say they have to hug it out).

Take a look at TV Squad as well as AdJab (A blog about commercials. They had a commercial with Bruce Campbell for Old Spice. I have no idea when this commercial came out. It is so Bruce too.


I guess God, Inc Episode #3 is now up. It is about someone stealing God’s lunch. Funny little program.