Wash Warm, Tumble Dry – PAD #1011

Wash Warm, Tumble Dry - PAD #1011

Big day for Eva today. she rolled over for the first time ever. Allison and I were getting ready for the funeral and put Eva on her play mat for “Tummy Time” She was clutching a rattle and wouldn’t let go. Next thing we know we hear the rattle going like mad. “How can she be swinging the rattle while she is on her tummy?” We look over and there she is on her back. So another milestone reached.

Eva got to spend a good couple hours with Aunt Tara while Allison and I went to Ed’s funeral. It was an excellent service and Ed’s son Paul gave a eulogy that simultaneously had us laughing and crying because it was so on target. He even had many of Ed’s inflections down perfect. Everyone in the church could picture Ed saying so much of the quoted parts. Thanks for all the great comments on the post about Ed.

I got a few mentions around the web today. One from a contest I won a while back on the the IZEA (PayPerPost) Blog. It was Awesome!

And Robert Scoble mentioned my blog post, Why you should listen to Scoble.

16 thoughts on “Wash Warm, Tumble Dry – PAD #1011”

  1. Thanks Joliber,

    While I appreciate you adding my to your link partners. I don’t do that so feel free to remove me. Good luck with your blog, I’ll be by to drop an Entrecard or two. Thanks also for the comment and nice words about my daughter.

  2. It is it me or is she more adorable every day??!! I hope I get to see you guys when you come down here…I’ll make it happen!!!

  3. Thanks Mo, she certainly does get cuter each and every day. She had her track suit on today with a little pink hoodie, very cute.

  4. Thanks very much Erica, Your blog is a pretty cool one. I saw you dropped a card via entrecard. Thanks very much. I dropped one on you as well. It think it is a cool idea that you and your sister’s blog together on your blog. Very nice.

  5. The prize was certainly not what I was expecting from that contest. I’m glad you are enjoying Eva’s Progress. She is certainly a joy in our lives and amazes us each day.

  6. Thank you very much. We are holding out for her eyes to remain blue, they are so beautiful. She is amazing each day.

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