What is the Blogging Den?

So I joined up with another blog to write posts. It is called Blogging Den and it is simple to become a part of this blog. You need to follow these simple steps and you too can blog on Blogging Den.

There are certain requests for all Blogging Den Authors:

1) Be nice to each other. Do not defame each other’s blogs.
2) Add a link of Blogging Den to the blog/s you author.
3) Fave it on Technorati.
4) Post one review about Blogging Den at your blog, when you guys join in.
5) Tell your friends about Blogging Den.

So what is this all about anyway? Well the concept is that multiple bloggers are authors of this blog and can write whatever they would like about their own blogs. If anything this is a good way to be able to write about your own blogs on another blog and thus get some good backlinks to your own blog as the PR of Blogging Den increases.

Look for my latest post about Flatwater Tech on Blogging Den.