In the Field… PAD #1087

In the Field... PAD #1087

I am trying another one of the 2 images one theme showpiece set that Chica has challenged blogging photographers to create. I figure I will try a couple more before Trevor Carpenter’s April Challenge starts.

I took Eva on a very long walk today so we could walk by the farms. For some reason I wanted to do photos of horses today. And of course I took photos of Eva as well. I tried one of the two images and tried the images next to each other to form a face but it looked weird so I put them on opposite sides with a drop shadow.

Two Sides

Let me know what you think. During my walk I saw many things that would make good entropy subjects. I also found 4 My Coke Rewards bottlecaps. Cleaning up the earth and getting some points. If you have any points you aren’t using send me the codes. Thanks.

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