No Cygnets in Sight

Photo-A-Day #1894

We’ve got swans at work. The swans recently had cygnets. For the past couple of months there have been warning signs around the pond stating that the swans are aggressive, I took a walk around the pond and got the intimidation from the swans, when you can hear them power paddling up behind you it is intimidating. I figured I’d go for a walk today and try and get some shots of the cygnets. They are nowhere to be found. They weren’t out paddling around with their parents. I didn’t get too close however because as I got closer this swan perked up saw me and beelined it to the side of the pond closest to me. I got the message loud and clear. Continue reading No Cygnets in Sight

Free Download of Ellis Paul’s song “Annalee”

Allison, Eva and I are big fans of Ellis Paul (“Mr. Ellis” for Eva). If you do a search for Ellis Paul on this blog you are going to see a bunch of posts from all of the times that we have seen him perform. We’ve seen Ellis more times than I can count and have pretty much every album of his and we have them signed too. We’ve spent time talking with Ellis at each show. I don’t think there is any performer/singer/songwriter/storyteller that we’ve ever traveled around to see so often.

I got a message today from Ellis Paul’s manager, Ralph Jaccodine, he let me know that Ellis has released a free download of his new song “Annalee” on his website. I’m not sending you there to sign up for anything or buy anything, there are no affiliate links on this post for Ellis. Ellis is giving this song away, for free, no strings. However, once you hear him sing you are going to want to hear more and if that is the case then you can buy his latest album “The Day After Everything Changed”.

At Borders with Ellis Paul
Allison and Eva with Ellis at Borders for a Dragonfly Races Concert.

The thing about this album is that it was entirely funded by fans. I’m pretty sure that Allison and I help contribute a half second or two to the CD. It is really a true testament to independent music and an incredible singer/songwriter like Ellis Paul.

Video of Ellis’ Album cover photo shoot.

Again the link for the free download of “Annalee” is at No strings attached.