Kitchen Upgrades

kitchen upgrade
Photo-A-Day 2.0 – #00025

We’ve been in our place for almost 8 years now. When we moved in the dishwasher should have been replaced. It was not. Each year we said that we should replace it. We did not. The racks started falling apart and we should have replaced the dishwasher. We did not. Finally, it began to leak a few weeks ago and so Dad and I went to Lowe’s and picked up a new one. We went from a cream colored one to a stainless steel face and now there are two more appliances that are stainless steel and two that are not. When it comes time for us to put it on the market then it will be time to do the other two so that everything matches.

I did not get a photo of what the pipes under the sink looked like before our plumber re-plumbed the whole thing but they looked terrible. Now they are nice and new and much better looking. We had him do that because we also replaced the garbage disposal. Here is a bit of the before.

before the upgrade

This is the piping that was taken out from beneath the sink.

crazy piping

Review: The Kid Who Would Be King – #KidWhoWouldBeKing

With the Cast of The Kid Who Would Be King

This past weekend Eva and I had the fortunate luck to be present at a Press Event for the movie, The Kid Who Would Be King. We saw the movie, interviewed some of the cast and had some excellent experiences all around the city of New York. I detailed those adventures in posts earlier this week. What I am talking about today is the movie itself. This is our review. I will give you Eva’s review first. She wrote it out for me to copy here.

“The Kid Who Would Be King is the most amazing, adventurous, magical, incredible, unbelievable movie you will ever see. The actors are absolutely incredible and the special effects are the most realistic ones you will ever see in a movie. The Kid Who Would Be King is a must see for fans of the King Arthur legend or anyone who likes magical, mystical legends. This story really carries the message that no matter what your background, you can go from living in a tiny one room apartment with barely enough food to go around to living in a fifty room mansion with enough food to feed a village.” – Eva Bennett Continue reading Review: The Kid Who Would Be King – #KidWhoWouldBeKing