Milestones are Happening

Eva earns her yellow belt

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00611

Tonight Eva earned her yellow belt in Jr. Krav Maga. She is doing a great job in the classes. Her instructors all tell us how well she is doing. When I work with her on things she does a great job. She can kick higher and better than I will ever how to do. When does a roundhouse kick she can already make the perfect sound on the kick shield. I have rarely ever done a kick so well. I am so proud of her.

Making Omelets

I’m also very proud of Andy. he’s all about having omelets. He can make his own with supervision. He does make a tasty omelet. And he ate that whole thing.

First Day of School 2020 – 2021

School Year 2020 - 2021

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00610

Today was the first day of school for the kids. Allison went back to school on Monday and this year she is working with the Kindergarten classroom. The kids go to school in cohorts. This means that they go to school either Tuesday/Thursday or Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This was Tuesday/Thursday week. The kids had a nice time at school even with the new normal. They have been troopers through the entire process.

Allison has her hands full with 22 kids in her class. They have the cafeteria because the class is a large one and the kids in K and Pre-K go to school every day. Allison also coordinated the before care and after care programs. She’s working very hard through everything going on.