35 in 4 days

35 in 4 days
Photo-A-Day #1458

I’m staring down another year, why are the multiples of 5 always so significant? It is weird since most of the time we do things in 4s. $ years of college, 4 years of high school and things like that. But 5s are important for anniversaries and other meaningful dates. Well, I’ll be 35 on Thursday and I’ll be starting year #5 of my photo-a-day project. This year will be a significant one because I’m really going to try and learn as much as I can to make my photography the best it can be. Notice to the left of me there is a large stack of items. You might recall those items from the 1st of the year. The stack has gotten smaller but I still have a ways to go. Oh and I am wearing one of my TenBills shirts. These certainly are comfy.

Oh and my FortunateBluFrog Fortune of the day was another repeat. I think I’m going to have to use that online fortune cookie again so I can get a decent fortune. Must get sleep.

6 thoughts on “35 in 4 days”

  1. Oh..come on…smile…just a bit… yea… a little bit…. You can do better…

    35 is beautiful!!

    I’m sure you’ll enjoy the year as much as the year before. Or even more.

    Wished you lived near us, so you could help my son become a good photographer and a person with real persistence.

    Yea, you can smile!!
    You’re OK.

    laanes last blog post..When money winks, respect sinks – entrecard

  2. Laane,
    Thanks, that was a nice pick me up this morning. I just wasn’t feeling it last night. Maybe today. I started with a workout and healthy breakfast. I’m good to go.

  3. Stephen,
    Sadly I have not done much with that. You will see that the particular blog is lying dormant. 15 minutes for learning each day is just not enough. I am still interested in Chinese but that will be a private matter for now.

  4. Baba,

    I know I’m just a young kid and one day it won’t matter. But I still like having the birthdays, yesterday was just tough for my photography inspiration.

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