Transformers on Display

Transformers Display
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00096

I have over 600 Transformers. Do you know the last time I saw all of them together? 2007! I bought more since that time and so I probably have close to 700 now but when I got them all out and together was one day when I had an empty giant room. I set every one of them up for a photo shoot with the local paper around the opening of the first Transformers movie. Then I boxed everything into 12 Rubbermaid trunks and put them in the attic of my parent’s house. They are still there.

I’m looking to pair things down and that means selling off my collection (not the originals but the other stuff) and just keep and display those ones that mean something to me, my first one, Wheeljack and all the subsequent Wheeljack figures that were made after that. Transformers that I can see and enjoy. I want that around my office and so these few were set up in one of the boxes that hold up my TV for filming gaming videos.