Are You Just Along For The Ride ?

Photo-A-Day #1656

This Praying Mantis hitched a ride with my Dad around town. The praying mantis here lives in one of the arborvitaes in our yard and today Dad was working in the yard and the praying mantis must have hitched a ride on him and then onto his Truck because as Dad drove around town he noticed that the very large mantis was clinging to the windshield. So, when I came home they showed me right away so I could get this photo.

Looking at my Own Direction.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately of the direction I want to take my blogging career. Right now there are many options I am looking into pursuing. I am exploring the possibility of my own education series, Also I am in talks to partner with some major players in the photography arena. I am taking my photography skills much more seriously and taking you all along for the ride as I discover and learn for myself how to be a better photographer and blogger. By doing this I hope to help impart that new knowledge to anyone who is interested.

Are You in Control of Your Direction as a Blogger?

Try a couple of steps to see exactly what direction you will take with your blog:

  • Do you Know your Life’s Purpose?
  • Where do you spend your time?
  • What do you spend your money on?
  • What subject can no not stop talking about with your friends?
  • Do people ask your advice for a specific topic?

Figure out what those things are and then look at your blog. Are you keeping true to those things? If you are not then maybe you are just along for the ride and not taking full direction of your blog.

12 thoughts on “Are You Just Along For The Ride ?”

  1. That is an awesome photo!

    And, I haven’t decided what I want to be when I grow up. First off, I have no interest in growing up …..

    1. Quilly,
      The life’s purpose thing isn’t so much about growing up but more about being true to your own purpose in life. Your purpose may be to remain youthful and fun loving and not growing up.

    1. Rob,
      Thank you, it is something that I have been toying with for a while and will really start putting some major effort into very soon.

  2. Hi! I’m from the Philippines. Thank you very much for the interesting post!It’s very helpful and very informative.

    1. Alvin,

      Seems to me that you are trying to be something that you are not. For one thing your e-mail address says jorge.stewart and your url was for krups coffee. I removed it because basically you were spamming me for a link to your krups related site. Take a look back over what I wrote and ask yourself if you are truly interested in engaging me in conversation or spamming my blog to advance your own motives. I believe in true conversation with true individuals, respond to every comment and am a real person. You would also do well to read my comment policy to avoid being blacklisted.

  3. Great Post Drew! I can’t wait for more on the teaching aspect for your blog. I know you know more than I do on a great many subjects like photography. I too am looking at where I am going with my blog.
    .-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.

    1. Baba,
      Thank you very much. I think occasionally we have to take a look at our blogs and reassess if we are staying true to our message and meaning. I certainly have more I want to say about photography and would like to share that with everyone.

  4. First of all great photo! I especially like the reflection in the windshield.

    And as for your blogging direction. I think that every blogger needs to think about what he is good at and focus on that thing. Everyone is good on one field, then you just have to deepen your knowledge so that you find things that are not so well known to all and share that with the world.

  5. “Some times you feel like the windshield and sometimes you feel like the bug.” That praying mantis must have wanted to hang out on my truck Tuesday. I came out of bowling with Bob Valois and it was on the hood of the truck. It’s back in shrubs now. As we are along for the ride, hopefully we make the most of and enjoy that ride.

    1. Dad,
      I get that feeling – the one on the quote – once in a while and it isn’t the windshield part. But getting better. I guess I need to learn how to hang on more than get squished.

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