Boys, Birthday Parties and Bowling

Bowling champ
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00061

Andrew had a bowling birthday party today. I am home sick for a few days but was able to suck it up for a couple of hours and take him to the party. I knew it was going to be loud and chaotic so I gave Allison a break. The party was a nice one. It was for the boys in Andrew’s class. So, it was a bunch of hyped up little guys each trying to outmatch each other. Lots of posturing and trying to get the best or funniest or whatever. It is good that I went because I see what sort of kid Andrew is and makes me proud that he is out in the world.

He ended up winning the entire thing, too. Not that anyone was really keeping score. But he nearly broke 100 (98) and he was the closest by far.