Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

Counting Raindrops on Lily Petals

Photo-A-Day #2270

Worked all night, came home to Allison and Eva asleep or at least resting quietly in the bedrooms. I didn’t want to wake them so I watched a Transformers Prime episode on the DVR. I’m really enjoying this show and wished that it was on 5 days a week because waiting for it each Saturday is tough. The same thing goes for G.I. Joe Renegades. I think these shows are both smartly done and are very entertaining.

Partway through the episode Eva woke up and she was able to name all of the characters. I was so proud. I mean, if I can name all the My Little Ponies the least she can do is recognize Optimus Prime in all his forms.

Continue reading Counting Raindrops on Lily Petals

I’m a TeleNav Navigator in Chief Dad Blogger

Photo-A-Day #2269

When I got my new DROID nearly two years ago I was excited that I’d finally gotten navigation on my phone. I fired up Google’s navigation and was quickly disappointed in the service. On my first time with the navigation I turned it on and drove into Boston only to have the signal get lost on me and thus have me end up getting lost. It has been frustrating using the navigator that comes with the phone. I did not realize that I had any other options….

Enter TeleNav. Continue reading I’m a TeleNav Navigator in Chief Dad Blogger