Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

Water Ban

Photo-A-Day #1944

Every time that I get the feeling that I should take my camera somewhere I need to listen to that feeling. Tonight I was going outside to take out the trash and I thought, I should be taking my camera too. I didn’t and as I walked around the corner perched on a dying sunflower was a goldfinch. It was beautiful, a bright splash of yellow on a fading flower. So I took a mental picture of it and filed it away for next time I get that urge to take my camera with me, anywhere. Continue reading Water Ban

I Guess, I Need More #Attention Than Most

Photo-A-Day #1943

Or at least that is what Jim Kukral must think. Jim’s new book Attention! This Book Will Make You Money: How to Use Attention-Getting Online Marketing to Increase Your Revenue (Aff Link) came to me in the mail today. One copy of Attention The Book came directly from Jim and his publisher to read and review (Thanks Jim). The other one came to me from Amazon because I pre-ordered it the first possible day that I could. I got home, ripped open both packages and started reading. I’m up to chapter 8 and already this book is kicking my ass with the great content. I’ll be talking about the book with my partner in crime Daniel M. Clark this Sunday in our next installment of Geek Dads Weekly. And if we are lucky maybe we can get Jim to pop in for a little bit! Continue reading I Guess, I Need More #Attention Than Most