Category Archives: Technology

Building A Stop Motion Space For My Daughter

My Minifig
Photo-A-Day #4397

My Daughter has caught the Stop Motion bug. We started with the program Stop Motion Explosion on my computer and Eva made a couple of Stop Motion movies with our Modibots.

This past weekend I was at Philly BrickfFest Live where I met Dave Pickett from Brick 101. I bought his book The LEGO Animation Book. He even signed it and that thrilled Eva to no end.

When I got home I looked around my office and decided to move the studio back upstairs but also build in some space where Eva could work on her Stop Motion Creations as well.

Fun with the Polaroid Cube+

Polaroid Cube Plus
Photo-A-Day #4382

I took the Polaroid Cube+ out for a spin today and I can already think of some fun applications for it. I’m thinking of how we can incorporate using it in Built From Bricks. It can certainly find the tight spots that I can’t get into with the full size camera. I like that it has a magnet on it and I can stick it anywhere. although I probably won’t be sticking it to rusty pipes anymore. I’m still pulling rust off the magnet.

Thanks again for the fun Twitter Party.