Category Archives: Television

Indian Larry 1949-2004

Anybody who knows me, knows that I like motorcycles and enjoy the Discovery Channel’s programs like American Chopper and The Great Biker Build-Off. One of the mechanics/stuntmen/innovator/sculptor of The Great Biker Build-Off was Indian Larry. Indian Larry was known for his old school choppers and crazy stunt riding. According to this article from the Charlotte Observer Indian Larry died while performing one of his trademark stunts on August 30th, 2004.

Suicidal Squirrels and The Kieran Ridge Band

Have you noticed the abundance of dead squirrels all over the roads? Yesterday as I drove home I saw one tear across three lanes of traffic avoiding the cars but then ending up at the Jersey Barrier where he most likely died of a heart attack. The dead squirrels are all over the roads. Why would a squirrel run out of a perfectly good tree and across a highway? It makes no sense to me. Did anyone else see Scrubs last week with the squirrel army that the Janitor had. Funny. Continue reading Suicidal Squirrels and The Kieran Ridge Band