Category Archives: Video Game

Boom Likes the Taste of Hot Wheels

Photo-A-Day #3058

I was playing with Andrew today and we were playing with the matchbox and hot wheels cars that we have around the house plus the Dino Construction Company toys that we have in the play area. I discovered that a shorter Hot Wheels car fits inside the mouth of the dino called BOOM. Wrecker can hold at least two and probably many more than that, however my son kept putting his hand in Wrecker’s mouth and I was unable to accurately check. We had a bunch of fun making BOOM eat the cars. He really does enjoy these toys and I’m glad they are so well made that they are going to last as he grows up.

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Disney Infinity has Arrived, no More Work Getting Done

Photo-A-Day #3057

Disney Infinity arrived at our house today, a couple of ways. Here’s the thing… I was on a list to get a review copy of the game. Last Tuesday I got a message from the PR firm that I wasn’t on the list and wasn’t getting a copy of the game. I was flabbergasted. I’d been promoting the game and all the while had though that I was on the review list. No dice. So I sent a message to someone that I met at the Monsters U Event. We had spent about an hour talking about the game while I saw a demo of it being played. I reached out to her, she assured me that it was all a big mistake and that I’d get a copy this week.

The thing is I’m making videos of the game and, trying to, get those videos out there while people are searching for information about Disney Infinity. It is hard to be on top of things when you don’t have the game on opening day. So, we went to Toys R Us today and just bought the game. I figure that when the review copy arrives I can return one of the games and everything is copacetic. I made a little video about it.

Continue reading Disney Infinity has Arrived, no More Work Getting Done