
Photo-A-Day #2179

Eva’s taken to the expression, “Dadda you’re Frustrating me!” She’s testing her boundaries and more. And for some reason she’s very fond of the expression having to do with frustration. Which, as a child trying to figure out the world is very accurate. There is so much that can be frustrating to a child, being able to fully express themselves, being able to do the things they want to do and more.

Eva actually wasn’t too frustrated at that moment. She was in between smiling and then making her angry face, just kidding around. She was having a good day today. We went up to visit Grandma Eva and Mimi and Grandpa Dano. We also saw Grandpa Bob and Grandma Jackie. Allison’s brother Nate came with his daughter. Eva enjoyed playing with her cousin. She also had a fun time playing with the rest of the family. It was nice to spend time and be there for the family.

9 thoughts on “Dadda!”

  1. That’s awesome! My girls do the same thing, but they’re never ‘kidding’…
    Glad you were able to spend time with family over the weekend. That’s always nice.

    1. Barb,

      I’m sure that there will come a day when Eva isn’t kidding and Daddy is just too embarrassing to be seen with. But not for now. 🙂

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