Halloween 2020

Jack o Lanterns
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00670

Halloween was a bit different this year. We did not get dressed up or go trick or treating. I have to work a 13 hour shift tonight because of the time change and since I run the switchboard on Saturdays I could not take time off. Also, it snowed and was super cold around here. So, instead we watched Nightmare Before Christmas and had take out from 5 Guys. The kids and Allison went and picked out pumpkins to carve and they also got candy to make up little bags for friend. Somehow we still have all that candy.

Halloween donuts

This morning I went off to Honey Dew and picked up some of their Halloween themed donuts. I really liked how they make a spider using the dew drop (Honey Dew’s name for munchkins). There was a second Mummy donut, I got one for Andy last week. The kids had a good time despite no trick or treating.