Look Who is Poking Through

Poking Through
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00676

I was outside cleaning up the sidewalk today. In addition to some little kid across the way yelling to me to stop cleaning up with the trimmer and lawn vac/blower I also heard a repeated tapping. I know that we have a woodpecker in our tree but I didn’t realize just how “in” the tree the woodecker was. This guy is in a branch that my dad trimmed when we first moved in because it was overhanging the roof and squirrels could use it to get on the roof. They may not be using that one but they still find their way up there. The branch has been slowly dying and bits and pieces dropping. The woodpecker has made quite a pile of sawdust from this branch, too.

I did attempt to get some rest today but that didn’t quite work out. When I woke up we had a tasty dinner. Allison and Andy made Breakfast for dinner and that included Tots, French Toast, Strawberries and Bacon! So good.

Breakfast for Dinner

And now being at work I have to try not to constantly be refreshing Twitter to see any news on the election.