Our Little Dress Maker

Little Dress Maker

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00577

This has been quite a year for sewing in our house. Allison got out her grandmother’s antique Singer sewing machine early on in the pandemic and began making masks for everyone. Then she found a deal on a refurbished Singer that could go something like 36 different stitches. I didn’t know that there was more than one type of stitch but I agreed that she should buy it. The sewing machine is now on The Cape and Eva spent much of the day sewing various projects. She made special masks for a woman the next street over. They call her “Joanie The Firecracker” and because of that Eva made masks with Firecracker fabric.

Eva also had a secret project where she took an old Maxi Skirt and made it into a dress for her cousin, Kylie. Eva loves making special things for her cousins.