Flowers in the Rain… PAD #1063

Flowers in the Rain... PAD #1063

Today was a rainy day in South Florida. We hung at the house most of the day. So we had time to spend with Eva. She rolled over again today. No one saw it however. I read Eva a book and she was alert and aware for the whole thing. It was called Strega Nona’s Magic Lessons. Not too bad, I got to use voices so it was fun.

And to continue our movies on Demand movie watching we watched Short Circuit. Yesterday we watched Roadhouse. I started watching it in honor of Jeff Healey’s passing. He was in most of the movie too. And then to learn that Patrick Swayze has pancreatic cancer, well that was just too weird a coincidence.

Allison and I were going to go to the movies tonight to see Vantage Point, however it was raining so much we switched to a matinée instead. Vantage Point was awesome. I’m glad that we saw the movie in the afternoon as Lost is all new tonight. And watching the enhanced Desmond centric episode should be awesome.

Today’s photo is of a flower that was outside the local Hess Station. Having all that water in the area made the petals look awesome.

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2 thoughts on “Flowers in the Rain… PAD #1063”

  1. Ashley,
    I saw that on Nifty Nation. While the photos are great, there is so much awesome content on Flickr. However it would never be my idea to pull content from Flickr. All photos I post are my own. But if it works for you that is cool. But I’ve seen your camera skills so I get you could come up with your own cool photos for your blog. But if you want to feature one of mine that would be cool… 🙂

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