Miffed… PAD #1130

Miffed... PAD #1130

We fed Eva and then had dinner. She sat there looking more and more pissed at us for some reason. She had what we call “Grump Face”. Then Memere came in and got a smile out of her. She looked even madder before Allison got me the camera. Oh well, can’t catch them all.

Still feeling a bit sick but went back to work today and feeling a bit better.

Also I posted about the upcoming Relay for life and added some incentives for bloggers who would like to make donations.

Oh and I also wrote a guest post for the FuelMyBlog Blog.

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14 thoughts on “Miffed… PAD #1130”

  1. Mr. Fab, that is pretty much the look she had earlier. It was much harsher, she toned it down for the picture.

  2. Daisy,
    She doesn’t mind the vegetables so much as the bland tasteless cereal. But mushy veggies would make my face look like that.

  3. Angelika,
    No brownies for her yet but I bet she wanted some of the cornbread that I was eating, very yummy.

  4. What a cutie! Yeah she’s PO’d for sure. Just one question for ya Ben, I’m a member of SS and EntreCard and have added your blogroll and banners to my site, I’ve been looking for a way to get added to your blogroll, but I must be blind. Can’t find it and also cannot find a contact form for your site. Sorry for asking here.

    Deb’s last blog post..A Tale of Two Blogs

  5. Hi Deb,
    Dropping me a comment is a perfect way to get added to the list that and adding me as a friend on Social Spark.I check each person that I add as a friend, prop them and their blogs and add them to the socialcardsters. Welcome.

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