Photo-A-Day #801 06/18/07

Bus Mirror

Back to the Office today. Had a large meeting about a big event later this week. Got caught up on a few things. I showed a few people the article from the newspaper and found out that one of the people I work with knows Cape Cod Kayak and her sister worked there. It was before I worked there but man it is a small world.

I have been getting some good feedback from the article and have completed putting the 3rd episode together tonight. But can’t upload it yet because of the computer rendering the final product. This is a task that looks like it will take about an hour. I need my sleep so I will let it go and upload it tomorrow. Episode #3 is the episode where I had my picture taken for the Sun Chronicle Article.

The voting for The Soda-Club contest is under way and there are quite a few people who have voted already, remember that you can vote for your favorite every day. If you are in the running think of some creative ways to get the word out and get some votes. I have seen some great stuff so far. I am very pleased with the entries that we have. Good luck to everyone. The voting section is over on the Right hand side.

I thought that this buss mirror was interesting as I walked by tonight with Allison, so I took a photo of it. Don’t forget to drop by Fuel My blog’s blog tomorrow for Tech Tuesday With BenSpark.

today is also Click and Comment Monday, did you visit blogs and comment today?

5 thoughts on “Photo-A-Day #801 06/18/07”

  1. you are right…i’ve been called a LOT of things in my lifetime but “dull” is probably not one of them. well, it may be…but i was probably just off my game that day!

    happy tuesday!!

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