10 thoughts on “Photo-A-Day #997 12/31/07”

  1. Thanks Mandy, Eva is as sweet as she looks. She certainly wanted to be up for the ball drop and then she dropped right off to sleep.

  2. Happy New Year to all of you! Great pic. 😀

    And now I can finally enjoy your Photo-A-Day calendar! I hung it up yesterday on the wall near my computer desk.

  3. Wow you’ve been doing this for a long time, hopefully this next year will be a great one for you, now what will you do with your photos now that December is long gone? I am actually starting a photoblog myself this year as well, starting today. Anyhoo Happy New Year again! You have a great lookin’ family. 🙂

  4. Thanks Christine. that reminds me, I need to retire that calendar off Lulu. I’m glad you enjoy it. Happy New Year!

  5. Hi Chica,
    It is kinda weird that today I have the freedom to photograph whatever I want and it doesn’t have to be a portrait. the challenge was awesome. this year I am committing to learning more about being a photographer. Oh and I’m blogging hear there and everywhere. Happy New Year.

  6. Thanks and Happy New Year’s to you as well. I most certainly included the camera. It will be an extension of my arm and eye for the next year as well.

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