Pink Hair Flare

Pink Hair New Flare
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00169

Yesterday I mentioned that Eva was doing something special today. Well, she got her hair colored pink on the ends. We had to wait until the end of the year and also the recital to be over. I had actually suggested that she get it done. She’s done so many unselfish things with her hair over the years with three hair donations in her lifetime. She’s young and it looks very cute on her. Her hair also grows very quickly and will be ready to cut it all off right before school is back in session.

Not to be left out we got some temporary hair color for Andrew. He ended up touching it over and over through his karate class. He had red fingers by the end of it.

Andrews Hair Color

Both Andrew and I earned out third stripe and thus our orange belts. We will be missing the graduation due to our trip but will receive them when we return. Now it is time to do all the last minute packing for the trip.