Stairway to Philly Brickfest

LEGO Staircase
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00101

This is the stairway that Brian is building for his massive Dystopian Zoo that he is displaying at Philly Brickfest at the end of the month. I went with him a few years ago and had a great time doing so but haven’t been able to take the time to go again. Even with an extra week’s vacation I still find that my free time gets used up quickly. I know that we’ll be bringing you even more videos of the zoo once it is complete but we have been doing a series of videos that you can see on the Built from Bricks Channel. – Dystopian Zoo Playlist

As far as places with a Dystopian look I tackled cleaning out my garage today. The garage has been the place where we have stored a whole bunch of our things. Cleaning out may be generous. The only thing I got rid of was my neighbor’s snowblower which went over to her shed. I ran it for about 45 minutes and the thing did not conk out I hope I got most of the gas out for the Summer. I moved a bunch of things in the garage so that we’d have more room to put more things inside as we start to declutter the house to put it on the market. I’ve also started listing things on a neighborhood yard sale site. The first is the changing table.

The Changing Table

I’m sort of torn about getting rid of this. My dad built it in the 70’s and it went through our family and then to my cousins and then back to me. Although it was never my changing table, I was too old when it was built. I listed it on a yardsale site but no takers yet. While I’d like to hang on to it util the kids have kids it is huge and heavy and I don’t have the room to keep that and Allison’s wooden play kitchen as well. So the play kitchen will replace the changing table in the garage and we will hand onto that until we have grandkids.