Stuff, too much stuff..

Whenever my Dad looks at our apartment and our garage and basically anywhere in the house he sees that there is a lot of stuff. I’ve never known the garage to be anything other and a place for stuff. Of course we could look into a garage storage system and at least organize the stuff. When we do so then we will be able to accomplish little projects in the garage, and maybe even get a car or two into the garage.

If I was redoing the garage I would like to have diamond plate metal cabinets to organize everything. I just love how diamond plate looks when it is properly maintained. And if I had some of it I would be taking very good care of those cabinets. And organize all the stuff all over the place.

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One thought on “Stuff, too much stuff..”

  1. If your garage is running out of space, try building an overhead storage system with plastic bins. The bins/totes can hang from your ceiling from rails or you can even stack and/or nest them on the ground. The Family Handyman magazine did a write up on Simplastics garage storage system once.

    let me know what you think of this idea. I can provide pictures of these setups if you’d like… thanks

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