Tag Archives: Aruba

10 Years Ago I Was in Aruba

Photo-A-Day #3874


A bunch of dads are off with their families on a pretty amazing cruise this week. One of the places that they stopped on the cruise was Aruba. It made me think about the Honeymoon that Allison and I shared in Aruba during this very week ten years ago. We had a great time on our trip. We visited a bunch of fun sights and snorkeled, kayaked and did snuba. Snuba was one of the most fun things for me and I would love to go it again, especially with the camera equipment that I have now. When we went I had two under water film cameras, the disposable kind. And on the way home the customs and TSA scanned the film repeatedly and so it all came out pretty terrible.

I must have Aruba on the brain because people I know were there and then today when I took Andrew to the Cardiologist I saw this fish in the tank which I think is a type of parrotfish. At least that is what I think it is. Andrew is perfectly fine. His heart murmur is getting smaller every year. It should be closed by next year.

Do you have a Contingency Plan?

Photo-A-Day #1657

In my case I am usually the contingency plan for people. I’ve been the fallback guy for blind date balls, the anchor for kickball teams (that’s what the last guy picked is, right?) and one time I even got to speak at a conference because the original speaker became ill. Seriously though I am usually the guy called to fix up issues that no one else can fix. I am a walking contingency plan. That means that I can be counted on to get the job done, and done correctly. When you are the contingency plan then you get to do some cool things but you also get some high pressure things sent your way.

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