Tag Archives: Aunt

Twenty-Five for the Second Time

Twenty-Five for the Second Time
Photo-A-Day #1562

This has to be the summer of family gatherings, and I love it. Not only have we been to graduation parties, anniversary parties and everyone came to our house for 4th of July, but today we had a surprise birthday party. My Aunt Connie has a milestone birthday coming up next month. She’ll be celebrating her actual birthday in Walt Disney World. Today though my Uncle Murph pulled off a great surprise party for my Aunt Connie.

We headed further onto the Cape to 400 East. The party had a major Disney theme because Connie and Murph are two of the biggest fans of Walt Disney World, Disneyologists actually. So the birthday cakes were the Magic Kingdom and Epcot’s Spaceship Earth. They were really tasty too and Epcot has silver frosting.

Epcot Cake

It has been really good being able to see the family almost every other week. The parties are great and I love being able to catch up with cousins, Aunts and Uncles and my Grandparents. I made sure that this time we got a photo of the four generations at once.

Four Generations

Today I wrote a pretty extensive post about how to use SocialSpark’s CPC opportunities. I really hope that this helps people who are working with SocialSpark. I also hope that if a blogger is interested in going to IZEAFest then they need to make sure that they enter my Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack Contest.

That Voice Again

That Voice Again
Photo-A-Day #1546

After the crazy amount of rain that we received today it was nice to get down to the Cape house to beautiful weather. We made it in time to meet up with our friends Neil and Andrea. Andrea had a blogger 911 issue and I was her go to guy.

Andrea is a fantastic photographer and she is working really hard on her zenfolio site, she also has a blog but doesn’t update as much right now. So we did some domain switching as well as creating a new blog for her. Andrea’s blog is now http://blog.wheelerimages.com. Her zenfolio is now http://wheelerimages.com as well as http://americandreamphotos.com. Check out her stuff especially if you love sailing.

When we arrived at the Cape my parents had a couple of surprises for Eva. My dad had assembled the Goldilocks bed and my mom dug out my sister’s old My Little Pony comforter as well as Strawberry Shortcake blanket. Eva was very excited about it but she is still a crib sleeper. I say let her sleep in the bed it is less than a foot off the ground and she’s already taken her 1st tumble from it and remains unscathed. But we’ll probably have to find a gate or something for it.

Tonight I almost freaked out because I put my memory card in my camera and I don’t see a photo count. Then I try and take a photo and I get a [CHA] message blinking. What the heck is this now? I think to myself. So I try and format the memory card (didn’t have much on it just the last few day’s photo-a-day images) and the camera showed the card as formatted but still showed the [CHA] message. Not Good. So I tried the memory card from my Sanyo Xacti E1. That memory card was all screwed up from the Sanyo so I formatted it and was able to take photos with it no problem. I did a search for flashing CHA on Nikon D80 and found Cheeky Grin had the same issue once. So I read the post and slid the lock back and forth re-inserted the card and low and behold it works fine. I just checked it on my laptop and the images are all still there. I was very happy not to have lost the images or the brand new 16GB card. The 1st one would be annoying, the second would have been tragic.

Oh and fantastic news!!! Allison and I are now and Aunt and and Uncle. Our sister-in-law had a beautiful baby girl. We don’t know her name yet but we are also not allowed to post photos or her name. But she is a cutie and we look forward to visiting them soon.