Tag Archives: BenSpark Interviews

Read to Me, Dad Review! An Interview with The Last Kids On Earth Author Max Brallier

The Last Kids on Earth

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00581

I had the pleasure of interviewing Max Brallier this morning as part of my Read to Me, Dad Reviews! series on YouTube. This is a series where I talk to authors or review books that would be great for other dads to share with their kids. I’ve been wanting to chat with Max for a while now and we were finally able to nail down a date and time. We spoke this morning after work and then I went to bed, got up and edited the video.

Max Brallier is the author of the series, The Last Kids on Earth. This is a fun series about four kids in the Monster Apocalypse. The first two books have been turned into a series on Netflix with the first book as a longer full length special and the second book as a 10 episode season. I cannot wait for more seasons to drop and also for Max’s next book, The Last Kids on Earth and the Skeleton Road. I’ve read through the six books that have been published. We discussed how June’s Wild Flight, the most recent book started as a shorter book but ended up being full length but still counts as 5 1/2 or so, I am a bit confused about that as the book is not numbered as #6 in the series. You can learn all about that and more in the video below.

And if things went smoothly all the time I wouldn’t be me. Normally I record using Skype but for some reason Skype was not pulling in Max’s feed. So we used Zoom. I’ve never recorded an interview using Zoom before and so I forgot that I should pin Max’s video for that to be the only thing recorded. So there are lots of cuts and edits to the video above. I hope that it all looks smooth.