Tag Archives: BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome

Santa Shorts

Santa Shorts
Photo-A-Day #1350

Today was a good day! Why? Well it started off with me recording a video reveal of the winner of BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome!. You can watch the video below but I’ll tell you, the winner was Baba of Babas Farm Life. She is really excited and her Big Box of Awesome! is on its way to her as of 4:30pm today. She wrote a really nice post on her blog about winning and she gave me one of my favorite descriptions of my self ever. “Who is Ben Spark you ask? Just the funniest geek techno family blogger and wonderful photographer around the blogosphere.” It must have been the shorts. 🙂

Also in the mail is a broken ipod shuffle, it is going to JoeTech.com to see if he can fix it and then give it away on his blog. Cross your fingers.

The Big Box of Awesome! contest was so much fun, here are some stats on the contest. 29 other bloggers “revealed” items in the box. There were 42 items in the box. 39 were revealed online (one on Market Leverage TV too) and there were 3 additional items tossed in after everything was said and done. In the past month that post was the highest for pageviews. My readership increased by about 50 and I learned how to make use of many social networks to promote the posts that the 29 other bloggers wrote. I think this was a pretty successful contest seeing as I merely gave away items that I would no longer use. I learned quite a few things from this contest, most important was that bloggers are some damn nice people.

I took a few more photos tonight of Eva wearing daddy’s ho ho ho hat (type that on a Flickr note to get a Santa Hat to appear). And one really sweet one of Allison and Eva.

So Happy

To Big

It Fits

Oh and I have to explain the card. This was a Christmas card from Dina at Market Leverage. She sent it to me out of the blue, just like she offered to put one of my items on Market Leverage TV. Thanks Dina.

Who Won BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome! ?

Who is Getting the Big Box of Awesome! ?Well I have to say that I am truly sad that this contest has come to an end. I had so much fun with this and I hope that you had fun as well. There were a number of people who helped me reveal items from BenSpark’s Big Box of Awesome! I’d like to thank them now once again. I called upon bloggers from all over to take one item and kind of “leak” it to the public at large. This was a great way to involve many people and I hope that you found some interesting blogs to read.

In no particular order. Thanks So Much Everyone!