Tag Archives: Clutter

How Many is Too Many?

Many LEGO Bricks
Photo-A-Day #4653

I’m writing an article for The toy Insider’s Parent Panel page and it is all about what to do with so many toys. I wouldn’t say that I have too many LEGO bricks but then again almost every post this week has been about LEGO bricks. Tonight’s photo was pretty much a cop out because I slept all day and when I got to work I really only had LEGO bricks on my desk. I’ve put away almost every other toy in my collection. That is, the collection on my desk at work.

I’m not sure what I am going to do with all my toys, knick-knacks and more. Will I sell them, give them away or something else. I haven’t really been missing the things I’ve boxed up, but I am sure that at some point I’m going to want to do something with them again, right? Maybe I should figure out what I’m going to do with my own stuff and take my own advice from my post for The Toy Insider.

Cleaning the Office… Again

My Desk Needs Cleaning
Photo-A-Day #4385

Here we are, facing another Spring and I want to get the house on the market to sell. I had the day to myself so I spent part of the day cleaning out my office. This consisted of putting boxes in the attic and then other boxes back in the closet so it looks like there isn’t much in the actual office but there is still so much stuff. I’m cleaning and sorting and cleaning some more.

I did find some of my comic books so I was excited about that!