Tag Archives: Collecting

National Sticker Day 2019

Sticker Day
Photo-A-Day 2.0 – #00013

I collected stickers when I was a kid. I had a pretty decent collection and would look for stickers everywhere that I went. There used to be an office store down the street called Baldwins and they had a bunch of stickers that they sold like Mrs. Grossman stickers and Toots. The best place to go way back then was to Fanueil Hall in Boston. There they had all the latest stickers. I think I got a chance to go once.

Now I can find all sorts of stickers everywhere. I waked into my comic book store before Christmas and there was a great stack of stickers there. So I looked through them and picked out some for me and some for the kids. The funny thing is they had He-man and She-Ra stickers. If you look at my old laptop you can see an old He-Man sticker on it. It is puffy. I got that when I was a kid and then on my new laptop (larger one) there is a puffy Mr. T sticker on it. I discovered that sticker in an old box of mine when we did a clean out of the basement.

When I took this photo Andrew said that I should put a bunch of stickers on their lunch notes tomorrow. I just may do that.