Tag Archives: cookies

Baking up some Hershey Kiss Cherry Cookies

Photo-A-Day #2378

Today Eva and I went shopping in the morning and had a nice time together. Sometimes we get to go together and we have a fun little bonding time. Allison did up the shopping list and Eva and I took the sale paper and we were off. Eva wanted to take her own shopping cart with her but I told her that it was not an authorized shopping cart for the supermarket. We had a nice time together. She’s pretty good in the supermarket, she does not cry or whine about wanting things. Not that much. Continue reading Baking up some Hershey Kiss Cherry Cookies

Baking Betty Crocker Molasses Cookies with Eva

Photo-A-Day #2343

This morning Eva and I made cookies. As part of a MyBlogSpark blogger trial and review I received a package of Betty Crocker® Molasses Cookie mix, an apron, a mixing spoon and a non-stick cookie sheet.

Betty Crocker Molasses

I loved the cookie sheet. I don’t know if it was me following the directions to the letter or the new gas stove or the cookie sheet but the cookies came out perfect! Eva and I set up everything that we needed to mix up a batch of these delicious molasses cookies. We donned our aprons. Eva with her special apron (we still don’t know who sent it) and I wore the Betty Crocker one that was sent to me. Continue reading Baking Betty Crocker Molasses Cookies with Eva